里山王国首都 水台府

里山王国首都水台府知事、白石里子がお送りするほのぼのブログ。 頭の中で蝶が舞ってます。コメントよろしくお願いします! 収入:どんぐり647,000,000,000個 きれいな石144個、葉っぱ97863000000000000枚

金曜日, 7月 21, 2006

Who did write them?

The text you sent to me is not so good!

I'm sorry, but I've studied English only 3 years.
I am like a kindergarten child at English.

Does it hurt you?

Please tell me what do you want to write about. What is it?

Do you have written the letter?

Yes, I do..., but why?

Your pictures are good!

Thank you very much! This picture is written by Karima...,
PICTURES? I put up only one picture!

By the way, Karima and I have another weblog. SATOYAMA-OKOKU.
Karima will draw nice pictures, and I'll write sentences.
Everyone, thanks anyway!